Celent with Awaad Amir (Analyst) & Neil Sheehan (Analyst) | E114


In this 114th episode of Fintech Impact, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host interviews Neil Sheehan and Awaad Amir who both work in the roles of Research & Advisory at Celent. Celent is a consultant to large financial and Fortune 500 institutions that deals with how they can better adapt to technological challenges that they are facing. Awaad Amir and Neil Sheehan discuss the uses and developments of voice activation.

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The Financial Advisor's Survival Guide To Working From Home

The one blessing of the COVID-19 outbreak is that it didn’t happen 25 years ago. Back in the pre-internet days working from home would have been a non-starter for most advisors. Vital systems were typically only available at the office and literally everything was on paper.

Fast forward to today and countless financial advisors are finding themselves in a work from home/self-quarantine situation with varying degrees of readiness.

Given my reputation as a technophile within the industry, I have had several advisors reach out to me asking how I am coping, and how they can better enable remote work for both them and their co-workers. While my firm picked up with no effort, many of my peers that I have been speaking with find themselves with no choice but to go into the office if they wish to keep servicing their clients. Unfortunately, there are limits to what can be done quickly and now that we find ourselves in this situation.

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Mentorship And Grooming The Next Generation With Peter Merrick | E006


In this episode of Financial Planning for Canadian Business Owners, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host interviews Peter Merrick, Financial Expert that has been in the industry a very long time and is the author of the book The King of Main Street. His book discusses business owners at different stages of life and the value of mentorship between them. Peter Merrick talks about life beyond working on and at your own business.

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Retirement Programs and Retiring on a Low Income | E006

Today on The Wisdom of Wealth, we're going to talk about a goal shared by all Canadians: retirement. At some point, we all retire, hopefully by choice, and when we're ready for it. But whether it's at a time when we choose, when we can't work anymore or unfortunate enough to lose our jobs, we all stop working, and we all eventually retire, and whether it's at age 50 or age 75 it can be nerve wracking to think about not having any more employment income coming in while you have all these expenses of life still going out. So, today, we're going to talk about how you're going to pay for it.

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Dialogue Health with Zack Brown (VPS) | E113


In this 113th episode of Fintech Impact, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host interviews Zack Brown, Vice President of Sales at Dialogue in Montreal. Dialogue is a telehealth service that enables you to access healthcare right from your smart phone in a fast, user-friendly, and convenient manner. Zack Brown discusses how Dialogue began, how they service their ideal customers, and the benefits of Dialogue.

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A Bank CEO’s Worst Nightmare: Silicon Valley + Banking as a Service

What’s the main thing that Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba, Google and IBM have in common? They all compete in one key area: on-demand cloud computing. What if they decide to start offering “banking as a service” to enable neobanking in Canada?

Then, in 2002, Amazon launched a new division that would end up, over time, changing everything. This new division was initially designed to meet Amazon’s internal needs by developing a common architecture, tools, and storage for Amazon’s various projects, and. there was some early discussion about offering this new server infrastructure as a service to third parties.

Two years later, Amazon Web Services (AWS) – “the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform” – launched to the public, and we’ve all been feeling the impact ever since.

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Renting, Buying, and Investing In Real Estate | E005

Hello and thank you for joining me for the Wisdom of Wealth, a show where I educate Canadians about fundamental financial literacy topics to help you make better and more informed decisions, and to know when and where to reach out for help. I'm Jason Pereira, and I have the privilege of being your host. Today on the Wisdom of Wealth we're going to talk about something that many Canadians seem obsessed with, real estate.

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Dividends: Taxation, Integration, and Mental Accounting

How faith often trumps logic in dividend investing – and why it shouldn’t

One of the first theories university finance students learn is Modigliani-Miller irrelevance theory: the idea that a company’s dividend policy is largely irrelevant to investors because they can always generate cash flow from their shares by selling them.

In the real world, however, one of the first things you learn as a financial advisor is that despite this theory, investors love dividends. To be fair, the allure is easy to understand. I know I feel good when I get money handed to me with no effort on my part.

Does this mean that dividend irrelevance theory doesn’t hold up outside the ivory tower? Nope: Modigliani and Miller are right – and investors’ love of dividends is really just mental accounting at work.

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IPPs & RCAs with Fraser Lang | E004

In the 4th episode of Financial Planning for Canadian Business Owners, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host of the podcast Fintech Impact, welcomes Fraser Lang, Senior Vice President of GBL, a financial planning firm focused on retirement planning. They discuss different retirement account strategies including IPPs, RSPs, and RCAs, including different combinations of the three and use cases for each.

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Wills, Powers of Attorney & Estate Planning | E004

Today on the Wisdom of Wealth, we're going to talk about something that affects the lives of all Canadians; estate planning. Estate planning is just a technical term for what happens to your stuff when you die. Because it has to do with dying, many people avoid the subject as much as they possibly can because they don't want to think about it. In fact, surveys show that just about half of Canadians don't even have a will, and those who do, the majority haven't updated in the last 10 years. Let me urge you; if you are one of these people, please do something.

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The Deathbed TFSA: Death, Taxes - and Lost Optionality.

On death, a surviving spouse can transfer the assets within the deceased TFSA to their own TFSA without affecting their own room. However when the taxpayer dies, any unused room dies with them, and unlike an RRSP, an estate cannot contribute to a TFSA. The unused room is gone forever.

So where does that leave the surviving spouse? As of 2020, with a lost opportunity to shelter up to $69,500, even if the estate has sufficient assets to fund the account. Unless they move quickly before their spouse’s death by making a deathbed TFSA contribution.

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Fundamentals of Corporate Taxation with Kim Moody | E003


In this episode of Financial Planning for Canadian Business Owners, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host interviews Kim Moody, Director of Canadian Tax Advisory Services at Moodys Gartner Tax Law in the Calgary area. Kim Moody talks about the expertise that Moody Gartner offers, the general percentages of taxation that businesses face, the differences in paying dividends and salaries, the Kiddie Tax rule, and what to know before paying family members.

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FPCBOJason PereiraTax
True Accord with Ohad Samet (CEO) | E110


In this 110th episode of Fintech Impact, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host welcomes Ohad Samet, Co-founder and CEO of True Accord, to talk about leading with empathy even in debt collection, how True Accord’s debt collection model has impacted both creditors and debtors, and more.

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What the Globe & Mail missed about Wealthsimple: Paradigms, Moats, and Millennials

On February 7th, the Globe published an article – Why Wealthsimple and robo-advisors aren’t scaring Bay Street anymore – concluding that “the robo-revolution has been a flop:” “the harsh reality is that [Wealthsimple] simply isn’t growing fast enough. Even more sobering, the whole sector is facing a reckoning.”

Since then, several people have reached out to ask my opinion of the piece. In response, I thought I would take the time to share my thoughts in this blog post.

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Family Succession Planning with Tom Deans | E002


In the 2nd episode of Financial Planning for Canadian Business Owners, Jason Pereira, award-winning financial planner, university lecturer, writer, and host of the podcast Fintech Impact, welcomes Dr. Tom Deans, estate and family succession planning expert and author of NY Times Bestseller Every Family’s Business, to talk about how to handle exit planning with your business, especially when family succession is involved.

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