NorthOne with Justin Adler | E259

Effective banking for business owners.

In today's episode of the Fintech impact, Jason is going to talk to Justin Adler, co-founder of NorthOne. It is an online Business Account with built-in features to make business banking fast and easy. Justin helps people with this entire profit for a system, they put people in envelopes or supplements, but nevertheless it's basically splitting up by dollars or percentages and making sure that when the taxman comes calling the money sitting there when payroll comes, it's done which is fantastic.

Episode Highlights

  • 0.54: When launching NorthOne Justin Adler's goal was to transform what would be a really burdensome experience of traditional banking into one that's simple, fast and efficient. NorthOne is like Uber for banking and financial management.

  • 1.46: Justin explains that only they let small business owners get their banking done faster and more efficiently, but they have also designed a banking platform and bank account that really is purpose built. To create better financial habits and generate better financial outcomes for business owners that you perform. 

  • 04.19: When setting up his business Justin visited several places and did in-depth research. He realized that the problems we seen growing up were so widespread and so commonplace and they really resulted from the fact that small business owners are generally really good at what they do. They are great at your craft, but they are so ill prepared and ill set up for the financial management side.

  • 06.16: By launching NorthOne, Justin aimed to remove the opportunity cost of doing day-to-day banking from the business owner so that we could turn the really burdensome banking experience for small business owners. 

  • 07.50: Justin co-designed a feature called the Northland profit first envelope system. This allows the small business center to literally, with one click on drag and drop, an automatic budgeting system so that whenever they deposit money, the correct amount is sequestered for things like rent, payroll, taxes. 

  • 10.07: A lot of folks would set up multiple bank accounts, the whole kind of allocation process would be a manual one. We codesigned a system to really take the fundamentals of this problem for the system and kind of integrate that and digitize it and make it really automate, automate and easy to set up, says Justin.

  • 11.02: As per Justin, one of the biggest threats to the economy today is the failure rate of small businesses.

  • 13.13: One of the big features that Justin and his team worked on this year has been really about defining more convenient ways for folks to get paid and make payments. 

  • 16.09: Justin says that they focused on integrations that really allowed the bank account to do what it does best.

  • 18.58: If we think about that constellation of products and services in that financial back office for an average small business, anywhere from an average small business in America not a tech startup or something, which is average business there are anywhere between 12 and 20 different relationships that they make, says Justin.

  • 22.19: Justin says how the system has helped them to reach a place where the majority of customers can get through everything from filling up their application to validating the information on their applications, getting on boarded into the bank account to having funding happen in less than 3 minutes. 

  • 23.04: NorthOne application is designed in such a way that it is not necessarily for a finance person, does not have a finance degree, everything is written in very plain English, and it is very easy to understand.

  • 25.01: Justin says how they actually allow customers to tell them when they are free. They can book a time with one of the customer service experts and then the customer service expert would actually call them. 

  • 28: 02: Justin wants to make sure that when you are launching a product, when you are selling a product to a customer and onward into the product, you are doing in a way where the customer has a clear understanding of what the product is, what it does, how much they will be paying for it. 

  • 31.04: We are not providing incremental value to an unimportant problem, to a small, to a small and super niche customer base. We're still, we're solving really big problems for a group of customers, says Justin.

3 Key Points

  1. Justin shares how he has built a system to basically implement the entire cash flow model.

  2. Many small business owners use cash basis accounting to make decisions for what they can, what they can afford, what they can buy. A lot of what Justin has also focused on this year has been building integrations so that the business center can get a wider circumference and expand on the view of what's going on in their business through the Northwest Bank account.

  3. Justin shares how he sees the future of the product and the best way to serve the customer. NorthOne is a platform that really kind of connects that small business center to a variety of different proxy tools and services that they need. 

Tweetable Quotes

  • "NorthOne is a digital challenger bank specifically made for the needs of small business owners across the country." – Justin

  • "All cash tends to basically be dumped into one account. Now the mental gymnastics of business owners have to basically remember how much needs to be in there for all their obligations, taxes, payroll, rent, etc. It's pretty substantial. So, people come up with complex budgets and different systems and thresholds for what they want to remain there." Jason

  • "We have really designed a system that is good for 95% of business owners that can be set up literally in one clip when a customer starts off with NorthOne." – Justin

  • "We worked with our team to really figure out how to take that functionality ACH and take it as fast as possible." – Justin

  • "We have always stood behind the idea that if you make a product service, it's good customers should be happy to pay a fair price for it." - Justin

Resources Mentioned