Posts in Fintech Impact
Funding Matters with Bill Petruck | E225

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason Pereira is going to talk to Bill Petruck, Founder and CEO of funding matters. Funding matters is a light fintech with a series of calculators and other tools that help not-for-profit charities. It helps generate donations more easily by showing people the actual tax implication of various donation schemes and options and helping kind of grease the wheels towards making that happen.

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Daylight Automation with Art Harrison | E223

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason Pereira is going to talk to Art Harrison, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer of Daylight. It helps companies automate their data processes and create greater efficiencies around things like onboarding, documented population etc. TurboTax is a solution that will guide you through the right questions just to make sure that you contextually are providing the right information.

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Payslip with Fidelma McGuirk | E219

Today in the show, we have Fidelma McGuirk, founder, and CEO of Payslip. Payslip is an Ireland-based payroll company that does work all around the world. She is on the show to discuss the challenges of working with multi jurisdictions and other complexities. Payslip is a technology company that provides a job apparel control platform to multinational companies, says Fidelma.

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Swoop Funding with Daire Burke | E218

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Daire Burke, head of Canada for Swoop Funding. Swoop Funding is an Irish-based company that works in multiple countries. It provides companies with access to a platform that aggregates lending solutions to meet their needs from various commercial blenders.

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Four Eyes Financial with Lori Weir and Jeff Harvie | E217

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Lori Weir and Jeff Harvie. They are going to specifically talk about how they have helped advisors and firms deal with implementing new systems to help them better support themselves in this new regime CFR. Lorie started the company in 2015, and they set out to help investors feel more confident that they were invested in products that met their risk tolerance and financial goals.

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Hubly with Louis Retief | E216

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Louis Ratief, Co-founder and CEO of Hubly. Hubly is an advisor workflow automation tool that helps take information from CRM’s and create actionable and easy to develop and implement workflows for advisors. Hubly is a vertical SAS software that supercharges comprehensive financial advisory firms. The purpose is for your highly regulated professional services like financial advice, tax preparation, trust, good planning, investment management, etc.

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TurnKey Lender with Marc Pickren | E215

On today's episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Marc Pickren, Chief Executive Officer of The Americas for TurnKey Lender. A global financial technology Software as a Service Business (SaaS) that has created and deployed the world's most impactful embedded finance platform since 2011. The company enables any business anywhere in the world to finance their customers, and that provides tens of millions of global citizens and businesses the opportunity to start something new, purchase needed machinery, and/or to acquire items that improve their lives.

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Manzil with Mohamad Sawwaf | E213

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Mohamad Sawwaf, Co-founder and CEO of Manzil. Manzil is a Canadian-based Islamic banking and finance platform. Mohammed has appeared on another podcast, ‘Financial Planning For Canadian Business Owners’, to go over the fundamentals of Islamic finance and how they differ from traditional Western finance. But in today’s episode, he is going to talk about Islamic finance and how he is using Fintech as a platform for distributing Islamic finance in schools.

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ndex systems with Laurent Bensemana | E211

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Laurent Bensemana, President of Ndex Systems. Ndex systems is a portfolio management software providing clean or scrubbed data for the industry. Ndex is a custodial-based company established in 1999. Laurent’s original objective was to build the ideal assistant for the financial industry. They never saw a distinction between money managers for retail brokers, discounters, product manufacturers.

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M&A Science with Kison Patel | E210

On today’s episode of the Fintech Impact, Jason is going to talk to Kison Patel, Co-founder, and CEO of M&A Science. M&A science produces a product called Deal Room, a platform for monitoring the entire life cycle of an M&A deal. M&A science is a company with multiple product lines covering education and technology for managing the M&A process focused around making M&A more of a collaborative people focus process.

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